1. 脑部微环境、神经胶质细胞功能与神经退行性疾病
2. 神经退行性疾病的早期诊断、发病机制及治疗干预
3. 神经炎症与记忆损伤修复关系
4. 中药有效成分防治脑功能疾病
朱丽红,教授,博导,现任暨南大学基础医学与公共卫生学院病理生理学系副主任,国家中医药管理局重点实验室副主任。广东省病理生理学重点学科脑的功能与疾病研究方向的学术骨干成员,中国病理生理学会、广东省病理生理学会委员,广东省保健协会老年性痴呆医养融合分会委员,科技部、国家自然科学基金委、广东省科技厅、广州市科技局专家库专家,Neuroimmunomodulation/Brain research等多家杂志审稿人。
从事基础医学教研工作,不断改进教学方法和手段,在教材、精品课程和教学团队建设方面开展了大量工作,入选广东省优秀青年教师、广州市珠江科技新星,荣获暨南大学本科教学校长奖、优秀教学工作者、学生最喜欢的老师等。注重将基础医学与临床医学、信息光子学、生命科学等跨学科合作,从临床发掘实际科学问题,解决关键科学与技术瓶颈问题,注重构建多元化的发展。近年主持、参与承担国家、省部级30余项科研项目,包括国家自然科学基金项目、973计划、省部级科研课题等,横、纵向经费逾400万,多项省市级教改项目,授权国家发明专利2项,主编、参编多部教材,在“Brain Behav Immun”,“Bioengineering & Translational Medicine”等国际杂志发表研究论文40余篇。
2013.10-2020.09,暨南大学医学院病理生理教研室, 副教授,硕士生导师,病理生理学系副主任,病生实验室主任/机能实验室主任;
2011.09-2013.09,暨南大学医学院病理生理教研室, 讲师。
1. Lihong Zhu,Renbing Qi,Huadong Wang,Wei Bi, Zhigang Wang, Qi Zeng, Yanru Zhao, Daxiang Lu. Luteolin protects PC12 cells from rotenone-induced apoptosis by decreasing cleaved caspase-3 expression. Neural Regen Res.2010,5(24):1870-1874.
2. Lihong Zhu, Bi W, Qi RB, Wang HD, Lu DX. Luteolin inhibits microglial inflammation and improves neuron survival against inflammation. Int J Neurosci. 2011,121(6):329-336.
3. Lihong Zhu, Wei Bi, Renbin Qi, Huadong Wang, Zhigang Wang, Qi Zeng, Yan-ru Zhao, Daxiang Lu. Luteolin reduces primary hippocampal neurons death induced by neuroinflammation. Neurol Res, 2011, 33(9):927-934.
4. LiHong Zhu, Wei Bi, XiaoDong Liu, JieFen Li, YingYa Wu, BiaoYan Du, YuHui Tan. Induction of apoptosis by evodiamine involves both activation of mitotic arrest and mitotic slippage. Oncology reports, 2011,26(6):1447-1455.
5. LiHong Zhu, Wei Bi, Dan Lu, ChanJuan Zhang, XiaoMing Shu,DaXiang Lu. Luteolin inhibits SH-SY5Y cell apoptosis through suppression of the NF-kB, MAPK and Akt pathways in LPS-stimulated co-cultured BV2 cells. Experimental and Therapeutic Medicine. 2014,7(5):1065-1070.
6. Lihong Zhu, Wei Bi, DAN LU, CHANJUAN ZHANG, XIAOMING SHU and DAXIANG LU Proteomic analysis of luteolin on lipopolysaccharide-stimulated BV2 microglia. Molecular Medicine Reports. Accepted on February 20, 2014.
7. Wei Bi*, Zhu L*(并列第一), Zeng Z, Jing X, Liang Y, Guo L, Shi Q, Xu A, Tao E. Investigations into the role of 26S proteasome non-ATPase regulatory subunit 13 (PSMD13) in neuroinflammation. Neuroimmunomodulation. 2014;21(6):331-337.
8. Wei Bi*, Zhu L*(并列第一), Xiuna Jing, Zhifen Zeng, Yanran Liang, Qiaoyun Shi, Enxiang Tao. Rifampicin improves neuronal apoptosis in LPS-stimulated co-cultured BV2 cells through inhibition of the TLR-4 pathway. Molecular Medicine Reports. 2014,10(4):1793-1799.
9. Lihong Zhu#, Wei Bi#, Dan Lu, Chanjuan Zhang, Xiaoming Shu, Huadong Wang, Renbing Qi , Qiaoyun Shi, Daxiang Lu*. Regulation of Ubiquitin-Specific Processing Protease 8 Suppresses Neuroinflammation Molecular and Cellular Neuroscience.2015,1(64):74-83.
10. Lu D, Xu A, Mai H, Zhao J, Zhang C, Qi R, Wang H, Lu D, Zhu L. The Synergistic Effects of Heat Shock Protein 70 and Ginsenoside Rg1 against Tert-Butyl Hydroperoxide Damage Model In Vitro. Oxid Med Cell Longev. 2015:437127.
11.Jiayi Zhao , Wei Bi , Shu Xiao , Xin Lan , Xiaofeng Cheng, Jiawei Zhang, Daxiang Lu, Wei Wei , Yanping Wang , Hongmei Li , Yongmei Fu, Lihong Zhu*. Neuroinflammation induced by lipopolysaccharide causes cognitive impairment in mice. Scientific reports.2019,9:5790.
12.Wei Bi, Xin Lan, JiaWei Zhang, Shu Xiao, XiaoFeng Cheng, HuaDong Wang, DaXiang Lu, and Lihong Zhu*. USP8 ameliorates cognitive and motor impairments via microglial inhibition in a mouse model of sepsis-associated encephalopathy. Brain research. 2019.1719,40-48.
13.Zhao J, Bi W, Zhang J, Xiao S, Zhou R, Tsang CK, Lu D, Zhu L*. USP8 protects against lipopolysaccharide-induced cognitive and motor deficits by modulating microglia phenotypes through TLR4/MyD88/NF-κB signaling pathway in mice.Brain Behav Immun. 2020,4(19)31562
14. Wei Bi, Xiaofeng Cheng, Zhaohao Zeng, Ruiyi Zhou, Rixin Luo, Jiawei Zhang, Lihong Zhu*. Rifampicin ameliorates lipopolysaccharide-induced cognitive and motor impairments via inhibition of the TLR4/MyD88/NF-κB signaling pathway in mice. Neurological research.2020.1866353.
15. Lihong Zhu#, Qiongru Yuan#, Zhaohao Zeng, Ruiyi Zhou, Rixin Luo, Jiawei Zhang,Chikwan Tsang, Wei Bi*.Rifampicin suppresses Aβ accumulation through enhancing autophagy in models of lipopolysaccharide-induced cognitive decline.JOURNAL OF ALZHEIMER’S DISEASE.2021.79,1171-1184.
16.Lihong Zhu#, Ruiyi Zhou #, Zhaohao Zeng, Rixin Luo, Jiawei Zhang, Rui Guo, Lei Zhang, Qunying Zhang, Wei Bi.Targeted Brain Delivery of RVG29-Modified Rifampicin-Loaded Nanoparticles for Alzheimer Disease Treatment and Diagnosis.Bioengineering & Translational Medicine.2022.18