电子邮箱:pengsihui@ jnu.edu.cn、psh_zx_zxx@ 163.com
个人简介:彭嗣惠,女,管理学博士,“青蓝学者”(第五层次引进人才),浙江大学医学院控烟研究中心研究成员,现任暨南大学基础医学与公共卫生学院系讲师。曾参与世界卫生组织(World Health Organiazation, WHO)和全球桥(Global Bridgestones)等资助的国际科研项目。其中,主要参与的“Building Tobacco Control Capacity in China(中国控烟倡导促动能力建设)”系列项目覆盖了全国所有省、直辖市和自治区,70多个城市,其社会效益目标辐射99所高等院校,12万余健康相关专业学生。项目成果被世界卫生组织报道。目前以第一作者发表SCI/SSCI论文5篇,以其他共同作者论文12篇。作为共同作者发表的论文“Global Health Professions Student Survey (GHPSS) in Tobacco Control in China ”的核心信息被联合国和世界卫生组织发布。
2018.12-2019.03 Murray State University/Social and Political Science,访问学者/教学助理;
2017.03-2017.10 ,Johns Hopkins University/Bloomberg School of Public Health,获Certificated Graduate on Global Tobacco Control
2015.07-2020.09 浙江大学/医学院社会医学与卫生事业管理,获管理学博士学位
2011.08-2015.06 北京中医药大学/管理学院公共事业(卫生事业)管理,获管理学学士学位
2020.09-至今 讲师,医学心理与行为科学教研室,基础医学与公共卫生学院,暨南大学
1. Peng S, Yang XY, Yang T, Zhang W, Cottrell RR. Uncertainty Stress, and Its Impact on Disease Fear and Prevention Behavior during the COVID-19 Epidemic in China: A Panel Study. American Journal of Health Behavior. 2021 Mar 1;45(2):334-41.
2. Peng, S., Yang, X.Y., Rockett, I. R. (2019). Typology of Social Capital and its Mixed Blessing for Suicidal Ideation: a multilevel study of college students. Social Science & Medicine, 243, 112640.
3. Peng, S., Yang, T., Rockett, I. R. (2020). Life stress and uncertain stress: Which is more associated with unintentional injuries? Psychology, Health & Medicine, 25(6): 1-7.
4. Peng, S., Yu, L., Yang, T., Wu, D., Bottorff, J. L., Barnett, R., & Jiang, S. (2019). Susceptibility to smoking and determinants among medical students: A representative nationwide study in China. Tobacco Induced Diseases, 17.