
人体解剖学 教授





个人简介:阮奕文,女,研究生学历,博士学位,教授,博士导师。1982年毕业于中山医学院并留校任教,1987年和2000年获得解剖学与神经生物学硕士和博士学位。2000-2008年在美国印地安那州大学进行脑缺血的病理机制研究;2008年回国到暨南大学工作。主要从事脑缺血、脑发育、脑衰老与老年性痴呆、神经干细胞及脊髓损伤等研究,有关研究得到国家自然基金、973国家科技计划、卫生部及暨南大学第一临床医学院开放研究基金等多项基金资助;已发表有关文章60多篇,20多篇SCI 文章,文章表在影响因子较高的杂志上,如J Neuroscience, Stroke, Exp Neurol, Frontiers, Sci Rep和JCBFM等;获国家教委、卫生部及广东省科委自然科学奖、科技进步奖等7项奖励。 











1.Shi Z, Zhu L, Li T, Tang X, Xiang Y, Han X, Xia L, Zeng L, Nie J, Huang Y, Tsang C, Wang Y, Lei Z, Xu Z, So K*, Ruan Y*.Neuroprotective mechanisms of Lycium barbarum polysaccharides against ischemic insults by regulating NR2B and NR2A containing NMDA receptor signaling pathways.Front Cell Neurosci, 2017,11:288.

2. Xiong Z, Lu W, Zhu L, Zeng L, Shi C, Jing Z, Xiang Y, Li W, Tsang CK,Ruan Y*, Huang L*. Dl-3-n-Butylphthalide treatment enhances hemodynamics and ameliorates memory deficits in rats with chronic cerebral hypoperfusion. Front Aging Neurosci, 2017,9:238.

3. Zhu H, Zhang Y, Shi Z, Lu D, Li T, Ding Y, Ruan Y*, Xu A*. The neuroprotection of liraglutide against ischaemia-induced apoptosis through the activation of the PI3K/AKT and MAPK pathways. Sci Rep, 2016, 6:26859.

4. Xia L, Lei Z, Shi Z, Guo D, Su H, Ruan Y*, Xu ZC*. Enhanced autophagy signaling in diabetic rats with ischemia-induced seizures. Brain Res, 2016, 1643:18-26. 

5. Han X, Shi Z, Xia L, Zhu L, Zeng L, Nie J, Xu Z, Ruan Y*. Changes in synaptic plasticity and expression of glutamate receptor subunits in the CA1 and CA3 areas of the hippocampus after transient global ischemia. Neuroscience,2016,327: 64–78. 

6. Deng L#, Ruan Y#, Chen C, Frye C, Xiong W, Jin X, Jones K, Sengelaub D, Xu X.Characterization of dendritic morphology and neurotransmitter phenotype of thoracic descending propriospinal neurons after complete spinal cord transection and GDNF treatment. Experimental Neurology, 2016,277:103–114.

7. Jing Z, Shi C, Zhu L, Xiang Y, Chen P, Xiong Z, Li W, Ruan Y*, Huang L*. Chronic cerebral hypoperfusion induces vascular plasticity and hemodynamics but also neuronal degeneration and cognitive impairment. J Cereb Blood Flow Metab, 2016,35:1249–1259.

8. Zhang S, Lai X, Li W, Jing Z, Xiong Z, Xu A,Ruan Y*, Huang L* . VASP phosphorylation and genetic polymorphism for clopidogrel resistance in Chinese patients with non-cardioembolic ischemic stroke. Thromb Res, 2014, 134(6):1272-1277. 

9. Dong D, Zhang Y, Yang W, Wang-Qin R, Xu A*, Ruan Y*.Hyperphosphorylation of tau protein in the ipsilateral thalamus after focal cortical infarction in rats. Brain Res,2014,1543:280-289. 

10. Ruan Y, So K, Pritz M.Calcium binding protein expression in the optic tectum of Alligator during early development. Dev Neurobiol, 2013,73(12):899-910. 

11. Zhao Y, Yu B, Xiang Y, Han X, Xu Y, So K, Xu A*, Ruan Y*. Changes in the retinal morphology, electroretinogram and visual behavior after transient global ischemia in adult rats. PLoS One, 2013,8(6):e65555. 

12. Ruan Y, Han X, Shi Z, Lei Z, Xu Z. Remodeling of synapses in the CA1 area of the hippocampus after transient global ischemia. Neuroscience, 2012,218:268-277. 

13. Ruan Y, Lei Z, Fan Y, Zou B, Xu Z. Diversity and fluctuation of spine morphology in CA1 pyramidal neurons after transient global ischemia. J Neurosci Res, 2009,87(1):61-8. 

14. Ruan Y, Zou B, Fan Y, Li Y, Lin N, Zhang Y, Xu Z. Morphological heterogeneity of CA1 pyramidal neurons in response to ischemia. J Neurosci Res,2007,85(1): 193-204. 

15. Ruan Y, Zou B, Fan Y, Li Y, Lin N, Zeng Y, Gao T, Yao Z, Xu Z.Dendritic plasticity of CA1 pyramidal neurons after transient global ischemia. Neurosci, 2006, 140(1): 191-201. 

16. Ruan Y, Ling G, Zhang J, Xu Z.Apoptosis in the adult striatum after transient forebrain ischemia and the effects of ischemic severity. Brain Res, 2003,982(2): 228-40. 

17. Ruan Y, Li W, Lam D, Yew D.The c-fos immunoreactivities in the developing and adult rat cerebella. Cell Mol Biol Res, 1995,41(2):111-115.


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2、陈子琏主编. 人体结构学. 科学出版社,2001年(参编)

3、余国濂主编. 医药新进展. 广东人民出版社,1999年(参编)

4、姚志彬主编. 医用解剖学. 中国医药科技出版社,1999年(参编)

5、陈可冀主编. 跨世纪脑科学-老年性痴呆发病机理与诊治. 北京医科大学和中国协和医科大学联合出版社,1998年(参编)

6、Blum T, Yew D, Eds. The development of catecholaminergic system in the human brain. In: Human Prenatal Brain Development, pp81-112. Hong Kong, Berlin and Seattle: Leonard, Inc.



2、基底前脑Nestin-IR 神经元簇的发现及NestinIR 神经元在成熟神经元表达的意义,广东省科学技术奖二等奖,排名第4,2009年






8、大鼠小脑在发育期和成年期cFos 的表达,广东省科委自然科学优秀论文三等奖,排名第11996年
