
免疫学教授 博士研究生导师





电子邮箱:guobomail@ gmail.com

个人简介:第三军医大学免疫学专业博士、教授,博士研究生导师。美国Medical College of Georgia 博士后(2007-2010)。先后主持国家自然科学基金项目6项,省部级等其他课题2项。近五年以第一作者和通讯作者发表SCI论文10篇,包括Journal of Hepatology、Cell Reports、Journal ofImmunology等著名期刊。长期担任国家自然科学基金一审评委,作为科技部科技重大专项评审专家参加了2017重大新药创制公开择优项目的评审工作。研究方向为感染免疫和肿瘤免疫。拟结合临床标本和相关基因敲除和转基因动物模型,开展与以上两方面研究方向相关基础和转化研究。









2005.09-2007.05,第三军医大学,基础部免疫学教研室, 副教授,  硕士生导师

2001.07-2005.08,第三军医大学,基础部免疫学教研室, 讲师





1. Zha H, Han X, Zhu Y, Yang F, Li Y, Li Q, Guo B*, Zhu B*. Blocking C5aR signaling promotes the anti-tumor efficacy of PD-1/PD-L1 blockade. Oncoimmunology. 2017 Jul 13;6(10):e1349587. (* 通讯作者)

2. Zhu Y, Zhang L, Zha H, Yang F, Hu C, Chen L, Guo B*, Zhu B*. Stroma-derived Fibrinogen-like Protein 2 Activates Cancer-associated Fibroblasts to Promote Tumor Growth in Lung Cancer. Int J Biol Sci. 2017 Jun 1;13(6):804-814. (* 通讯作者)

3. Gao J, Zhao L, Liu L, Yang Y, Guo B*, Zhu B*. Disrupted fibroblastic reticular cells and interleukin-7 expression in tumor draining lymph nodes. Oncol Lett. 2017 Sep;14(3):2954-2960. (* 通讯作者)

4. Han X, Zha H, Yang F, Guo B*, Zhu B*. Tumor-Derived Tissue Factor Aberrantly Activates Complement and Facilitates Lung Tumor Progression via Recruitment of Myeloid-Derived Suppressor Cells. Int J Mol Sci. 2017 Jan 19;18(1). pii: E22. (* 通讯作者)

5. Zhao L, Gao J, Li Y, Liu L, Yang Y, Guo B *, Zhu B*. Disrupted Homeostatic Cytokines Expression in Secondary Lymph Organs during HIV Infection. Int J Mol Sci. 2016 17(3):413. (* 通讯作者)

6. Liu J, Tan Y, Zhang J, Zou L, Deng G, Xu X, Wang F, Ma Z, Zhang J, Zhao T, Liu Y, Li Y, Zhu B*, Guo B*. C5aR, TNF-α, and FGL2 contribute to coagulation and complement activation in virus-induced fulminant hepatitis. J Hepatol. 2015 ;62(2):354-62.  (* 通讯作者)

7. Li Y, Guo B (共同第一), Xie Q, Ye D, Zhang D, Zhu Y, Chen H, Zhu B. STIM1 Mediates Hypoxia-Driven Hepatocarcinogenesis via Interaction with HIF-1. Cell Rep. 2015;12(3):388-95. 

8. Zhao L, Chen J, Liu L, Gao J, Guo B* , Zhu B* . Essential role of TNF-alpha in development of spleen fibroblastic reticular cells. Cell Immunol. 2015; 293(2):130-6. (* 通讯作者)

9. Tan Y, Li Y, Fu X, Yang F, Zheng P, Zhang J, Guo B* , Wu Y*. Systemic C3 modulates CD8+ T cell contraction after Listeria monocytogenes infection. J Immunol. 2014;193(7):3426-35.  (* 通讯作者)

10. Zhao L, Liu L, Gao J, Yang Y, Hu C, Guo B *, Zhu B*. T lymphocytes maintain structure and function of fibroblastic reticular cells via lymphotoxin (LT)-B. BMC Immunol. 2014 ; 30;15:33(* 通讯作者)

11. Zhao L, Liu L, Guo B *, Zhu B*. Regulation of adaptive immune responses by guiding cell movements in the spleen. Front Microbiol. 2015;6:645(* 通讯作者)