病理学与病理生理学 教授
张灏教授,暨南大学医学院教授、博士生导师、博士后指导教授、肿瘤精准医学和病理研究所所长、教育部肿瘤分子生物学重点实验室副主任。专注我国高发恶性肿瘤的诊治的转化研究和应用,发现RNA异常剪接及其产物(嵌合RNA和嵌合蛋白)作为“突变非依赖肿瘤”驱动机制,并以此为诊断靶标和治疗靶点开展了外泌体液体活检和免疫治疗,包括无创性唾液外泌体检测、基于嵌合RNA的外泌体疫苗、外泌体包裹的抗体导向RNA药物等。近年来以通讯作者发表多项学术成果,包括PNAS(两篇)、Clin Cancer Research (两篇)、Gastroenterology、Mol Cancer、Oncogene(两篇)、J Pathology等。获批十余项发明专利,荣获《广东省科技进步奖二等奖》、《广东省医学科技奖二等奖》、《河南省科技进步一等奖》、《中国产学研合作创新奖》、《金博奖全球高层人才科技创新大赛金奖》、《全国十佳消化道领域临床研究金奖》、《中国研究型医院学会医学研究创新奖一等奖》、《Wiley中国开放科学高贡献奖》、《2022中国生物医药企业最具创新力50强奖》等。担任中国抗癌协会肿瘤标志专业委员会外泌体技术专家委员会(CSEMV)主委,《外泌体研究转化和临床应用专家共识》专家组组长。Annals of Medicine(Taylor & Francis出版社)肿瘤学主编,Cancer Letters(Elsevier 出版社)编委,Extracellular Vesicles & Circulating Nucleic Acids(OAE 出版社)编委,Extracellular Vesicle (Elsevier出版社)编委,Scientific Report(Nature出版社)编委。中国抗癌协会肿瘤标志专业委员会常务委员,中国抗癌协会肿瘤标志物专业委员会常委,中国抗癌协会肿瘤代谢委员会常委,中国临床肿瘤协会胰腺癌专家委员会常委,亚太医学生物免疫学会肿瘤学分会副主委,广东省抗癌协会肿瘤代谢委员会副主委, 广东省抗癌协会肿瘤标志物专业委员会副主委, 广东省抗癌协会抗肿瘤药物专业委员会副主委。
3.2004-2008,美国UT MD Anderson 癌症中心,讲师,分子肿瘤学系/遗传系
1.Lin Y#,Wang S#,Bremer E*,Zhang H*.Harnessing the soil: reshaping the tumor microenvironment towards an antitumor immune state by low‐dose metformin. Cancer Commun (Lond).2021;41(8):637-641.(EDITORIAL)
2.Wang S#,Lin Y#,Tang H,Cai S,Qiu X,Pan Y,Zhang H*.Exosome-based liquid biopsy: Opportunities and challenges for changing patient care of gastrointestinal cancers.Esophageal Cancer.2023;(01):59-73.
3.Chang L#,Ni J#,Zhu Y,Pang B,Graham P,Zhang H*,Li Y*.Liquid biopsy in ovarian cancer: recent advances in circulating extracellular vesicle detection for early diagnosis and monitoring progression.Theranostics. 2019; 9(14):4130-4140.
4.Zheng L#,Wang L#,Gan J,Zhang H*.RNA activation:promise as a new weapon against cancer. Cancer lett. 2014;355(1):18-24.
5.Ning Z,Gan J,Chen C,Zhang D,Zhang H*.Molecular functions and significance of the MTA family in hormone-independent cancer.Cancer Metastasis Rev. 2014;33(4):901-919.
6.Su J,Concilla A,Zhang D,Zhao F,Shen F,Zhang H*,Zhou F*.PIWI-interacting RNAs:Mitochondria-based Biogenesis and Functions in Cancer.Genes Dis. 2020;8(5):603-622.
7. Dong X, Bai X, Ni J, Zhang H, Duan W, Graham P, Li Y*.Exosomes and breast cancer drug resistance. Cell Death Dis. 2020;11(11):987.
8.Chu YL,Li H,Ng PLA,Kong ST,Zhang H,Lin Y,Tai WCS,Yu ACS,Yim AKY,Tsang HF,Cho WCS,Wong SCC*.The potential of circulating exosomal RNA biomarkers in cancer.Expert Rev Mol Diagn.
9.Ma L,Yao Z,Deng W,Zhang D,Zhang H*.The Many Faces of MTA3 Protein in Normal Development and Cancers.Curr Protein Pept Sci. 2016; 17(8): 726-734.
10.Du L#,Ning Z#,Zhang H*,Liu F*.Corepressor metastasis-associated protein 3 modulates epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition and metastasis. Chin J Cancer. 2017;36(1):28.
11.Yang Z ,Zhang H ,Kumar R*.Regulation of E-cadherin. Breast Cancer Online. 2005; 8(03): e15. (Cambridge Univeristy Press, www. camridge. org).
12.林宇晟, 甘进锋, 江钰琛, 王飞寒, 张灏*: 外泌体标志物和肿瘤液体活检的研究进展及现状。中国癌症防治杂志, 2019;11(02): 99-103.
13.刘情, 郑琳, 张灏*: 人源性肿瘤组织异种移植(PDX)模型的研究进展。转化医学杂志, 2014,;10. 3969, 2095-3097.
14.黄裔腾, 殷秀凯, 钟雪云, 张灏*: 食管鳞癌模式动物的研究进展。世界华人消化杂志, 2011;19(16): 1704-1710.
15.李宗泰, 张灏*: 外周血游离DNA甲基化检测: 食管鳞癌早期诊疗的新机遇。转化医学杂志, 2012;1(1):45-48.
16.李金平, 宁志丰, 刘复兴, 张灏*: 老药新用, 小分子药物二甲双胍的抗肿瘤研究进展。中国生化药物杂志, 2016;36 (8) : 16-21
17. 王姝宏,余幼林,李凯,林宇晟,甘进锋,谢飞凌,李勇,黄思铨,张灏*.外泌体在肿瘤和极端条件中的作用和检测。中国癌症防治杂志, 2020;12(3):239-243.
18.吴晓,杨海军,高社干,周福有,张灏*. 原发性食管小细胞癌的研究及诊疗现状。食管疾病,2020;2(1), 8-12.
1.Li K#,Lin Y#,Zhou Y,Xiong X,Wang L,Li J,Zhou F,Guo Y,Chen S,Chen Y, Tang H,Qiu X,Cai S,Zhang D,Bremer E,Jim Yeung SC,Zhang H*.Salivary extracellular miRNAs for early detection and prognostication of esophageal cancer: a clinical study.Gastroenterology.2023;165(4):932-945.e9.
2.Li K#,Lin Y,Luo Y,Xiong X,Wang L,Durante K,Li J,Zhou F,Guo Y,Chen S,Chen Y,Zhang D,Yeung SJ,Zhang H*.A signature of saliva-derived exosomal small RNAs as predicting biomarker for esophageal carcinoma: a multicenter prospective study.Mol Cancer.2022;21(1):21.
3.Xiong X#,Ke X#,Wang L,Lin Y,Wang S,Yao Z,Li K,Luo Y,Liu F,Pan Y, Yeung SC,Helfrich W,Zhang H*.Neoantigen-based cancer vaccination using chimeric RNA-loaded dendritic cell-derived extracellular vesicles. J Extracell Vesicles. 2022;11(8):e12243.
4.Yao Z#,Dong H#,Zhu J#,Du L#,Luo Y#,Liu Q,Liu S,Lin Y,Wang L,Wang S,Wei W,Zhang K,Huang Q,Yu X,Zhao W,Xu H,Qiu X,Pan Y,Huang X,Yeung SC,Zhang D,Zhang H*.Age-related decline in hippocampal tyrosine phosphatase PTPRO is a mechanistic factor in chemotherapy-related cognitive impairment.JCI Insight.2023;8(14):e166306.
5.Xiong X#,Ke X#,Wang L#,Yao Z,Guo Y,Zhang X,Chen Y,Pang CP,Schally AV*,Zhang H*.Splice variant of growth hormone-releasing hormone receptor drives esophageal squamous cell carcinoma conferring a therapeutic target.Proc Natl Acad Sci USA.2020;117(12): 6726-6732.
6.Dong H#,Lin W#,Du L#,Yao Z,Li F,Chen S,Huang Y,Ren H,Luo Y,Cai S, Chen Y,Tang H,Qiu X,Pan Y,Huang X,Zhang D,Gao S*,Yeung SJ*,Zhang H*.PTPRO suppresses lymph node metastasis of esophageal carcinoma by dephosphorylating MET.Cancer letters.2023;567:216283.
7.Wang S#,Lin Y#,Xiong X,Wang L,Guo Y,Chen Y,Chen S,Wang G,Lin P,Chen H,Yeung SJ*,Bremer E,Zhang H*.Low-dose metformin reprograms the tumor immune microenvironment in human esophageal cancer.Clin Cancer Res.2020;26(18):4921-4932.
8.Dong H#,Xie C#,Yao Z#,Zhao R#,Lin Y,Luo Y,Chen S,Qin Y,Chen Y*, Zhang H*.PTPRO-related CD8 + T-cell signatures predict prognosis and immunotherapy response in patients with breast cancer.Front Immunol.2022;13:947841.
9.Luo Y#,Du L#,Yao Z,Liu F,Li K,Li F,Zhu J,Coppes RP,Zhang D,Pan Y, Gao S,Zhang H*.Generation and Application of Inducible Chimeric RNA ASTN2-PAPPAas Knockin Mouse Model.Cells.2022;11(2):277.
10.Cao S#,Wang X#,Liu X, Li J,Duan L,Gao Z,Lun S,Zhu Y,Yang H,Zhang H*,Zhou F*.Integrative Analysis of Angiogenesis-Related Long Non-Coding RNA and Identification of a Six-DEARlncRNA Signature Associated with Prognosis and Therapeutic Response in Esophageal Squamous Cell Carcinoma.Cancers.2022;14(17):4195.
11.Dong H#,Du L#,Cai S#,Lin W#,Chen C,Still M,Yao Z,Coppes RP,Pan Y, Zhang D,Gao S*,Zhang H*.Tyrosine Phosphatase PTPRO Deficiency in ERBB2-Positive Breast Cancer Contributes to Poor Prognosis and Lapatinib Resistance.Frontiers in Pharmacology.2022;13:838171.
12.Zhu J#,Wang L#,Liu F,Pan J,Yao Z,Lin Y,Yang Y,Xiong X,Li K,Yang Y, Zhang Y,Chu X,Pan Y*,Zhang H*.Targeting PELP1 Attenuates Angiogenesis and Enhances Chemotherapy Efficiency in Colorectal Cancer. Cancers (Basel). 2022;14(2):383.
13.Huang J#,Liu D#,Li J,Xu J,Dong S*,Zhang H*.A 12-gene panel in estimating hormone-treatment responses of castration-resistant prostate cancer patients generated using a combined analysis of bulk and single-cell sequencing data. Annals of medicine. 2023;55(2):2260387.
14.Wang L#,Du L,Xiao X,Lin Y,Zhu J,Yao Z,Wang S,Guo Y,Chen Y, Geary K,Pan Y,Zhou F,Gao S,Zhang D,Yeung SC,Zhang H*.Repurposing dextromethorphan and metformin for treating nicotine-induced cancer by directly targeting CHRNA7 to inhibit JAK2/STAT3/SOX2 signaling.Oncogene.2021;40(11):1974-1987.
15.Ploeg E#,Ke X#,Britsch I,Hendriks M,Van der Zant F,Kruijff S,Samplonius D,Zhang H*,Helfrich W*.Bispecific antibody CD73xEpCAM selectively inhibits the adenosine-mediated immunosuppressive activity of carcinoma-derived extracellular vesicles.Cancer Letters.2021;521:109-118.
16.Wang L#,Xiong X,Yao Z,Zhu J,Lin Y,Lin W,Li K,Xu X,Guo Y,Chen Y, Pan Y,Zhou F,Fan J,Chen Y,Gao S*,Sai-Ching Jim Yeung,Zhang H*. Chimeric RNA ASTN2-PAPPAas aggravates tumor progression and metastasis in human esophageal cancer.Cancer Letters.2021;501:1-11.
17.Lin Y#,Dong H#,Deng W#,Lin W,Li K,Xiong X,Guo Y,Zhou F,Ma C,Chen Y,Ren H,Yang H,Dai N,Ma L,Meltzer SJ,Yeung SJ,Zhang H*.Evaluation of Salivary Exosomal Chimeric GOLM1-NAA35 RNA as a Potential Biomarker in Esophageal Carcinoma.Clin Cancer Res.2019;25(10):3035-3045.
18.Du L#,Wang L#,Gan J#,Yao Z,Lin W,Li J,Guo Y,Chen Y,Zhou F*,Jim Yeung SC,Coppes RP,Zhang D,Zhang H*.MTA3 Represses Cancer Stemness by Targeting the SOX2OT/SOX2 Axis.iScience.2019;22:353-368..
19.Gan J#,Ke X#,Jiang J#,Dong H#, Yao Z,Lin Y,Lin W,Wu X,Yan S, Zhuang Y,Chu WK,Cai R,Zhang X,Cheung HS,Block NL,Pang CP,Schally AV, Zhang H*.Growth hormone-releasing hormone receptor antagonists inhibit human gastric cancer through downregulation of PAK1-STAT3/NF-κB signaling.Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A.2016;113(51):14745-14750.
20.Dong H#,Ma L#,Gan J,Lin W,Chen C,Yao Z,Du L,Zheng L,Ke C,Huang X,Song H,Kumar R,Yeung SC*,Zhang H*.PTPRO represses ERBB2-driven breast oncogenesis by dephosphorylation and endosomal internalization of ERBB2.Oncogene.2017;36(3):410-422.
21.Dong H,Xu J,Li W,Gan J,Lin W,Ke J,Jiang J,Du L,Chen Y,Zhong X, Zhang D,Yeung SC,Li X,Zhang H*.Reciprocal androgen receptor/interleukin-6 crosstalk drives oesophageal carcinoma progression and contributes to patient prognosis.J Pathol.2017;241(4):448-462.
22.Xu B,Jiang X,Xiong J,Lan J,Tian Y,Zhong L,Wang X,Xu N,Cao H, Zhang W,Zhang H,Hong X,Zhan YY*,Zhang Y*, Hu T*.Structure-Activity Relationship Study Enables the Discovery of a Novel Berberine Analogue as the RXRα Activator to Inhibit Colon Cancer.J Med Chem.2020;63(11):5841-5855.
23.Bhagelu R.Achyut, Zhang H*,Kartik Angara,Nahid F.Mivechi,Ali S. Arbab, Lan Ko*.Oncoprotein GT198 Vaccination Delays Tumor Growth in MMTV-PyMT Mice. Cancer Lett. 2020;476:57-66.
23.Achyut BR, Zhang H, Angara K, Mivechi NF, Arbab AS, Ko L. Achyut BR, Zhang H, Angara K, Mivechi NF, Arbab AS, Ko L. Oncoprotein GT198 vaccination delays tumor growth in MMTV-PyMT mice.Cancer Lett. 2020;476:57-66.
24.Yao Z#,Du L#,Xu M, Li K,Guo H,Ye G,Zhang D,Coppes RP,Zhang H*. MTA3-SOX2 Module Regulates Cancer Stemness and Contributes to Clinical Outcomes of Tongue Carcinoma.Front Oncol.2019;9:816.
25. Ke X,Xiong X,Lin Y,Zhang H*.Chimeric RNA and Exosomes-Based Liquid Biopsy. Methods Mol Biol.2020;2079:211-218.
26.Tamiya H#,Kim H#,Klymenko O,Kim H*,Feng Y,Zhang T,Han JY, Murao A,Snipas SJ,Jilaveanu L,Brown K,Kluger H,Zhang H,Iwai K,Ronai ZA*.SHARPIN-mediated regulation of protein arginine methyltransferase 5 controls melanoma growth.J Clin Invest.2018;128(1):517-530.
27.Wang W#,Lim KG#,Feng M,Bao Y,Lee PL,Cai Y,Chen Y,Zhang H, Marzese D,Hoon DSB,Yu Q*.KDM6B Counteracts EZH2-Mediated Suppression of IGFBP5 to Confer Resistance to PI3K/AKT Inhibitor Treatment in Breast Cancer.Mol Cancer Ther.2018;17(9):1973-1983.
28.Wang L,Li K,Lin X,Yao Z,Wang S,Xiong X,Ning Z,Wang J,Xu X,Jiang Y,Liu D,Chen Y,Zhang D,Zhang H*.Metformin induces human esophageal carcinoma cell pyroptosis by targeting the miR-497/PELP1 axis. Cancer Lett.2019;450:22-31.
29.Feng Y#,Ke C#,Tang Q#,Dong H,Zheng X,Lin W,Ke J,Huang J,Yeung SC,Zhang H*.Metformin promotes autophagy and apoptosis in esophageal squamous cell carcinoma by downregulating Stat3 signaling. Cell Death Dis.2014;5(2):e1088.
30.Li Z#,Zou X#,Xie L,Chen H,Chen Y,Yeung SC,Zhang H*.Personalizing risk stratification by addition of PAK1 expression to TNM staging: improving the accuracy of clinical decision for gastroesophageal junction adenocarcinoma.Int J Cancer.2015;136(7):1636-45.
31.Zhang H*,Lin W,Kannan K,uo L,Li J,Chao PW,Wang Y,Chen YP,Gu J,Yen L*.Aberrant chimeric RNA GOLM1-MAK10 encoding a secreted fusion protein as a molecular signature for human esophageal squamous cell carcinoma.Oncotarget.2013;4(11):2135-43.
32.Yu J#,Lin Y#,Xiong X#,Li K,Yao Z,Dong H,Jiang Z,Yu D,Yeung SJ,Zhang H*.Detection of Exosomal PD-L1 RNA in Saliva of Patients With Periodontitis. Front Genet.2019;10:202.
33.Wang L,Li W,Li K,Guo Y,Liu D,Yao Z,Lin X,Li S,Jiang Z,Liu Q,Jiang Y, Zhang B,Chen L,Zhou F,Ren H,Lin D,Zhang D,Yeung SJ,Zhang H*.The oncogenic roles of nuclear receptor coactivator 1 in human esophageal carcinoma. Cancer Med. 2018;7(10):5205-5216.
34.Tang Q,Li G,Wei X,Zhang J,Chiu JF,Hasenmayer D,Zhang D,Zhang H*. Resveratrol-induced apoptosis is enhanced by inhibition of autophagy in esophageal squamous cell carcinoma. Cancer Lett. 2013;336(2):325-37.
35.You Y,Chen Y,Zheng X,Meltzer SJ,Zhang H*.Aberrant methylation of the PTPRO gene in peripheral blood as a potential biomarker in esophageal squamous cell carcinoma patients.Cancer Lett. 2012;315(2):138-44.
36.Zhang H,Singh RR,Talukder AH,Kumar R*.Metastatic tumor antigen is a direct corepressor of the Wnt4 pathway.Genes Dev.2006;20(21):2943-8.
37.Zhang H,Kuang SQ,Liao L,Zhou S,Xu J*.Haploid inactivation of the amplified-in-breast cancer 3 coactivator reduces the inhibitory effect of peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma and retinoid X receptor on cell proliferation and accelerates polyoma middle-T antigen-induced mammary tumorigenesis in mice.Cancer Res.2004;64(19):7169-77.
38.Zhang H,Stephens LC,Kumar R*.Metastasis tumor antigen family proteins during breast cancer progression and metastasis in a reliable mouse model for human breast cancer. Clin Cancer Res. 2006;12(5):1479-86.
39.Zhou C*,Wu Y,Chen G,Liu X,Zhu Y,Lu S,Feng J,He J,Han B,Wang J, Jiang G, Hu C,Zhang H,Cheng G,Song X,Lu Y,Pan H,Zheng W,Yin AY. BEYOND: A Randomized, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled, Multicenter, Phase III Study of First-Line Carboplatin/Paclitaxel Plus Bevacizumab or Placebo in Chinese Patients With Advanced or Recurrent Nonsquamous Non-Small-Cell Lung Cancer.J Clin Oncol.2015;33(19):2197-204.
40.Kumar R*,Zhang H,Holm C,Vadlamudi RK,Landberg G,Rayala SK*. Extranuclear coactivator signaling confers insensitivity to tamoxifen.Clin Cancer Res.2009;15(12):4123-30.
41.Peng M,Zhang H,Jaafar L,Risinger JI,Huang S,Mivechi NF,Ko L*. Human ovarian cancer stroma contains luteinized theca cells harboring tumor suppressor gene GT198 mutations.J Biol Chem. 2013;288(46):33387-97.
42.Tong Z#,Li M#,Wang W,Mo P,Yu L,Liu K,Ren W,Li W,Zhang H,Xu J, Yu C*.Steroid Receptor Coactivator 1 Promotes Human Hepatocellular Carcinoma Progression by Enhancing Wnt/beta-Catenin Signaling.J Biol Chem.2015;290(30):18596-608.
43.Chu WK,Law KS,Chan SO,Yam JC,Chen LJ,Zhang H,Cheung HS, Block NL,Schally AV*,Pang CP*.Antagonists of growth hormone-releasing hormone receptor induce apoptosis specifically in retinoblastoma cells.Proc Natl Acad Sci USA.2016;113(50):14396-14401.
44.Klionsky DJ et al. Guidelines for the use and interpretation of assays for monitoring autophagy (3rd edition).Autophagy.2016;12(1): 1-222.
45.Chen T,Chen Q,Xu Y,Zhou Q,Zhu J,Zhang H,Wu Q,Xu J,Yu C*.SRC-3 is required for CAR-regulated hepatocyte proliferation and drug metabolism.JHepatol.2012;56(1):210-7.
46.Zhang S,Zeng D,Peng Y,Yang Y,Zhuang X,Li Z,Wang M,Chen L,Zhang H*.Cancer-related fatigue and chemotherapy-associated adverse effects:correlation with TNF-α, IL-1 and 17-hydroxycorticosteroids.Future Oncol.2014;10(9):1619-26.
1.《Encyclopedia of Cancer 》(癌症百科全书)《Springer出版社》编委;
3.《Chimeric RNA: Methods and Protocols》《Springer出版社》编委;
8.《Extracellular Vesicles: From Bench to Bedside》编委.
1. 牙龈卟啉单胞菌诱发微生态失衡促进食管癌发生发展的机制及应用,河南省科学技术进步奖,一等奖,2023年;
2. 食管癌肿瘤标志物及液体活检的应用与开发,广东省科技厅,广东省科学技术科技进步奖,二等奖,2020年;
3. 牙龈卟啉单胞菌促进食管癌发生发展病因的阐明及应用,中华医学会,中华医学科学技术奖三等奖,2023年;
4. 食管癌早期诊断和治疗新方法的转化研究,广东省医学会,广东省医学会科技进步奖励,二等奖,2019年;
5. 低剂量二甲双胍重编程食管癌免疫微环境:II期临床研究,Gastroenterology Report,《中华胃肠外科杂志》《中华炎性肠病杂志》联合颁发, 2020年度十佳消化道领域临床研究金奖,2020年;
6. 中国产学研合作创新与促进奖,中国产学研合作促进会,2021年;
7. 上消化道肿瘤诊断和治疗新方法的转化研究,汕头市科学技术奖励,一等奖,2018年;
8. 食管癌化疗敏感性标志物和诊疗新方法的研究及应用,广东省药学会医院药学科学技术奖,一等奖,2020年
9. 食管癌化疗敏感性标志物和诊疗新方法的研究及应用,中国药学会科学技术奖,三等奖
10. 药物基因组学和纳米载体在肿瘤药物治疗中的应用及评价,2019年度广东省优秀科技成果
1. 2020年第三届粤港澳大湾区医学与健康发展论坛获得一等奖
2. 2020年暨南大学生命科学创新奖获得二等奖
3. 2021年第四届粤港澳大湾区医学与健康发展论坛获得二等奖
4. 2021年暨南大学生命科学创新奖获得二等奖*
3.Cancer Letters(Elsevier 出版社)和Scientific Report(Nature出版社)编委
4.(Extracellular Vesicles & Circulating Nucleic Acids)和(Extracellular Vesicle)编委
5.Annals of Medicine(Taylor & Francis 出版社)肿瘤学主编
6.Cancer Research,Clinical Cancer Research,Oncogene & PNAS等杂志的审稿专家