环境与健康 教授
个人介绍:课题组长期从事环境暴露与生殖发育健康的研究工作,通过聚焦典型和新型化学物,结合分子生物学方法,基于“环境-遗传-效应/结局”研究策略阐述育龄人群环境污染物的暴露特征、暴露负荷、生殖健康风险和分子机制。目前主持国家级及省部级科研项目6项,共发表科研论文80余篇,其中以第一/通讯作者在《Environmental Science & Technology》、《Journal of Hazardous Materials》、《Environment international》等环境与健康领域权威期刊上发表SCI论文26篇。
[1] Jiehao Li, Lixin Zhou, Songyi Huang, Tiantian Duan, Jinying Xie, Xiaojie Li, Langjing Deng, Chenyan Zeng, Fengrui Jing, Sui Zhu, Chaoqun Liu, Yajie Gong, Yaqing Shu, Xiaoting Shen, Pan Yang. The effect of endocrine-disrupting chemicals in follicular fluid: The insights from oocyte to fertilization[J]. Environment International. 2024, 191: 108957.
[2] L. Deng, G. Chen, T. Duan, J. Xie, G. Huang, X. Li, S. Huang, J. Zhang, Z. Luo, C. Liu, S. Zhu, G. He, X. Dong, T. Liu, W. Ma, Y. Gong, X. Shen, P. Yang. Mixed effects of ambient air pollutants on oocyte-related outcomes: A novel insight from women undergoing assisted reproductive technology[J]. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety. 2024, 280: 116525.
[3] Pan Yang, Jinying Xie, Songyi Huang, Xiaojie Li, Langjing Deng, Jinglei Zhang, Lin Chen, Nanxin Wu, Guangtong Huang, Canquan Zhou, Li Xiao, Xiaoting Shen. “Cocktail” of environmental chemicals and early reproductive outcomes of IVF: The insight from paternal and maternal exposure[J]. Journal of Environmental Management. 2023, 348: 119462.
[4] Songyi Huang, Xiaojie Li, Langjing Deng, Jinying Xie, Guangtong Huang, Chenyan Zeng, Nanxin Wu, Sui Zhu, Chaoqun Liu, Hong Mei, Han Xiao, Da Chen, Pan Yang. Exposure to per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances in women with twin pregnancies: Patterns and variability, transplacental transfer, and predictors[J]. Journal of Hazardous Materials. 2023, 460: 132432.
[5] Hong Mei, Langjing Deng, Jinying Xie, Xiaojie Li, Nanxin Wu, Liqin Hu, Guangtong Huang, Fanyu Mo, Da Chen, Han Xiao, Pan Yang. Co-exposure to phenols and phthalates during pregnancy with the difference of body size in twins at one month old[J]. Chemosphere. 2023, 311: 136991.
担任《Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety》、《Toxics》、《Eco-Environment & Health》和《华南预防医学》等期刊编委;担任中国优生科学协会环境与生育健康学会专任委员、中国环境诱变剂学会环境与发育源性疾病专委会委员、广东省气象学会健康气象专业委员会秘书。